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The Role of Parents and Massage Attachment is the fundamental process of developing a deep and enduring emotional bond, which establishes an infant’s relationship with the outside world. Neonatal touch and massage is an easy way to support and encourage parents, as their infant’s primary caregiver, while improving the outcomes for both infants and parents.

Please join us for a virtual presentation with Q & A following.

• Explain the benefits of neonatal massage for both infants and families
• Demonstrate how to perform a neonatal massage

Target Audience: Parents/caregivers of newborns and young infants.

Mary Elise O’Sullivan, BSN, RNC-NIC, NTMNC, C-ELBW Certified by:
Creative Therapy Consultants


This virtual session will be presented during our regular, session, which starts at 5pm via ZOOM or phone.

Join from your PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:
Meeting ID: 422 399 391
Or dial into any of the meetings:(646) 876-9923